Thursday, May 22, 2008


My first day in Saipan southern high made feel run different kinds of emotions. I felt happy for graduating middle school and for reaching this far. I felt excited to see how my first day would turn out. I felt nervous to introduce myself around new people and some familiar faces. I felt scared to step in and be a whole new person. That day made me feel things I haven’t felt in a long time. My emotions were mixed up; it was like every hour it changed.

When you step in to the school, a lot of students are just passing by like no one’s business. The hallways are always traffic every single time the bell rings. You will be bumping into people every step you make, unless you make them push you around. Watch your way and always stand up for yourself. It will seem like a busy street. You will feel lost at times but, you’ll get use to it.

Our hallways are long and the buildings seem far apart. So when you are walking to get to class, make it fast because your chances are: being on time and not looking like a fool when you’re late. Detentions for being tardy on first days are not always excusable. Warning and chances are not really given here. Your first tardy can equal to 3 days detention. Never be late, only if you have the best excuse for it.

On your first day you might be shy to walk to walk around the campus but, feel free to roam around. You can feel lonely at times but, along the road you’ll find a partner. Families and friends are just around the corner so bother to stop by and show some love. Being open and friendly will help a lot. You will meet people you didn’t know even existed.

During your first week of school, you might feel exhausted and happy at the same time. You will be exhausted from having to roam around school to get to know it better. You will be happy for actually getting all the puzzles together. Now all your emotions are cooling and you are just feeling like your old self again.

You are now settled and comfortable. You got your friends at your side, and you have a spot in the field where it’s fresh and windy. Since you are well settled into SSHS, feel the love and pursue your goals. Don’t be afraid to be who you are. Learn what you want to learn and become part of our manta ray clan. Un eskuela un korason, one school one heart.

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